Christoph Schlick
1961 born in Graz
Professional experience (selection)
- 1980 – 2004 monk in the Order of Saint Benedict in the abbey of Seckau (responsibilities: pastoral care, school, economic management and boarding school)
- since 2000 self-employed life coach and business consultant
- 2001 founding of the Insitute for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis Salzburg
- 2012 founding of the business consultancy
- 2014 founding of the SinnZENTRUM Salzburg
Qualification and further training (selection)
- studies of law and theology in Graz, Salzburg and Rome
- education in logotherapy and existential analysis (with Dr. Otto Zsok and Dr. Elisabeth Lukas at the Süddeutsches Institut für Logotherapie – Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany)
- education in value-imagination (with Dr. Uwe Böschemeyer)
- education at the German Ärzteakademie für Geistiges Heilen (with Dr. Wolfgang Bittscheidt and Teresa Schuhl)
- various qualifications and further training as a consultant, coach, speaker, trainer